Sunday, August 18, 2013

my week 《33/52》☆ _ the second week in the pocket Malden

My daughter was sick for the whole week,  and I was very upset about it. We were sitting at home and didn't go anywhere. I haven't made any videos for my youtube channel either,  so there's no decoration on the pages.
          I am still torn between the pocket and the personal Maldens. Also, if you follow me on YouTube , you know, that I have an A5 Calipso that I'd like to try, and I plan to do it!
I have added "to do" pages, "youtube ideas",  "to buy", a day on one undated pages, also monthly inserts that I printed from philofaxy blog.
        Still I am upset that a pocket Malden couldn't hold bigger page size as a personal Malden! Also the weekend space is squizzed so much that I can't stand it, and I just took these undated pages "a day on one page" and have written there all my chores for this particular day.
        What is your pocket size experience?


  1. I bought a pocket Malden and all sorts of inserts for it a couple years ago. When it arrived, I was shocked at how small they actually are. I swear they look bigger online. I set it up, but that was the extent of using the Pocket size. I'm always amazed at the people who are successfully using them.

    1. Yes, there is not enough room on weekly pages! But it depends on how you use them. If you don't have many appointments, it might work out!

  2. I should be getting my first pocket-sized... or ACTUALLY, my FIRST, EVER, Filofax by the end of this week!!!! (0; So I guess I will find out how I like it very soon thereafter!.. But I'm so sorry to hear your daughter was sick. I hope that she is feeling better now. ~tina

    1. My daughter is ok now, thank you. Congratulations with a new ff! Hope you will share your set up with me!

  3. C'est rigolo, parce que j'ai un poche dans un tiroir que je n'arrive pas utiliser, parce que je le trouve beaucoup trop petit, sauf qu'il rend le sac à main bien moins lourd. Et je suis entrain d'envisager un A5, mais, je n'ose pas me lancer à l'acheter!!!! Merci pour ton blog, je le trouve très sympa.
    Traduction:merci google, i don't speak english!!!
    It is funny, because I have one pocket in a drawer which I do not manage to use, because I find him it far too small, except that he(it) returns the much less heavy handbag. And I am spirit to envisage A5, but, I do not dare to dash to buy it!!!! Thank you for your blog, I find it very nice.


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